Víkend Smysl(upl)ných setkání pro nezadané
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HAPPINESS WEEKEND FOR SINGLES at The Centre of Transformation in Czechia run by John Hawken & Katarina Hawken!
Searching for a partner and searching to fulfill one’s dream of a loving relationship can be exhausting and sometimes even depressing, in other words, our energy is low. Then we feel like dating and going to events like this one is just too much. So a vicious circle is created.
For this reason we have made our theme for this Happiness Weekend RAISING ENERGY to break out of this vicious circle and have the elan to CREATE OUR HAPPINESS without feeling stress or effort. If you recognize yourself in this, the first step is to come AS YOU ARE and not wait until you are in a better space.
Our activities will generate the energy that will take you BEYOND this feeling of effort and you will even find yourself having FUN!!!
MORE INFO: https://facebook.com/events/s/happiness-weekend-for-singles/930021638455112/
John Hawken is one of Europe’s leading, most respected and longest serving tantra teachers. He weaves bioenergetics, tantra and shamanism to create his unique two year Transformation Training which he teaches at his Centre of Transformation in the Czech Republic. John is best known for his innovation and daring in exploring first chakra sexuality, which he offers twice a year as his Dark Eros Intensive weeklong workshop.
Formerly Communications and Marketing Manager and HR Consultant of advertising and recruitment agencies in New York, Shanghai and Prague, Katarina started her own business, Find L’Amour, in early 2014 with the motivation to help people to find their right match, to make their dating process successful and be happy in their relationship. She works with both ladies and gentlemen, most of which range in ages of 25 to 60. With the life training she has had, her ongoing growth, and dozens of successfully matched couples behind her, Katarina has what it takes to match you up.
Víkend Smysl(upl)ných setkání pro nezadané
Register via Katarina at katarina@katarinahawken.com
Cancellation before 15.2.2024: 100% of the full price refundable
Cancellation after 15.2.2024 and before 1.3.2024: 50% of the full price refundable
Cancellation after 1.3.2024: 0% of the full price refundable
The price includes the whole weekend program, accommodation at the Centre of transformation (double room), food (5 times a day), gift bag and 60 minute free individual session with John or Katarina. There is a possibility to stay in a single room for an additional fee of 3200,- CZK / 130 EUR / weekend.
more info on FB: